How Effective are Medical Pedicures in Treating Foot Conditions? A Comprehensive Guide

December 11, 2023
4 min

The words “pedicure” and “treatment” may seem like a strange combination. But when you’re talking about medical pedicures, the perception changes. When it comes to treating foot conditions, the effectiveness of medical pedicures is clear, and they’re drastically different from cosmetic pedicures. Not only can they help manage skin and toenail conditions, but they shine as a preventative measure against future issues.

Medical Pedicures: Prevention and Treating Foot Conditions

While medical pedicures make your feet look amazing, the real benefit of a medical pedicure is foot health. The nails are properly cleaned and trimmed, and your chiropodist also smoothens calluses, moisturizes and cleans your feet, cleans your cuticles and keenly inspects your feet for abnormalities that can signal a problem. The latter is extremely helpful for people with diabetic neuropathy, who need an extra set of eyes and expertise to treat minor problems before they become critical (ulceration, gangrene, etc). 

Medical pedicures also treat the following skin conditions: 

And of course, toenail conditions: 

Please note, if you have a severe toenail infection, you may need to use medicinal ointments or take oral medications before getting a medical pedicure. 

Medical Pedicure Effectiveness Against Skin Conditions

Chiropodists use medical-grade equipment during medical pedicures to remove dead skin on the feet, which can often become painful when left ignored and ultimately turn into large calluses. Chiropodists may also gently buff down or completely remove pre-existing calluses and corns during medical pedicures.

Furthermore, the thorough moisturizing session that occurs during a medical pedicure can fight dry skin, especially during the winter months. Dry skin can lead to painful cracked heels. In some cases, dry skin also poses an ulcer risk. Moisturized feet are also less prone to blisters.

Image source: iStock

Medical Pedicure Effectiveness Against Toenail Conditions

When it comes to ingrown toenails, chiropodists carefully trim the affected nail during a medical pedicure, ensuring it is properly shaped to prevent further irritation and discomfort. They will clean the area to reduce the risk of infection, and safely remove jagged edges from cracked toenails so they can regrow properly.

While you may need medicine to treat a fungal toenail infection, medical pedicures can be useful as well. Chiropodists can carefully reduce the thickness caused by the fungal infection, clean the nail and surrounding area, and provide additional guidance on how to wipe out the infection.

Image source: iStock
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